Appreciating Culture
By Johanna Engebjerg Englev
When I think back to two years ago, before my long journey began, it is difficult to believe that the person from my memories of that time is in fact the same sitting here, writing, today.

Facing the Future While Preserving the Past
By Katherine Clinnick
My first impression of Romania was gleaned during the car trip from Bucharest airport to Brasov as we sped down a highway edged in dust, alongside which prowled the occasional scrawny dog.

Through the Eyes of Romania
By Natasha Potter
There are many different perceptions of Romanian culture, people and landscape that exist throughout literature. But none of them compares with what you find here.

Being Romanian
By Mircea Samoilă
How do you define your identity? Where and what makes you feel being at home? We encourage you to try out your own experimentation with cultural identity.

Carrying the Past into the Future
By Victoria Richman
There is something about Romania that makes it stand out from other European countries as starkly individual. Visit its villages to find out more.

The Value of the Simple Life
By Gabriel Ku
Modernity gives us very convenient lives. But is that all about? What do you think about stopping by in a Romanian village to find a taste of the simple life?

Preserving Traditional Romania
By Brodie Robertson
Come and visit Romania. You'll discover that the heart of this country can be found at the countryside, where traditions are still kept alive.